Quick Start

Welcome to implementation of Android Library. It’s easy and fast. Our SDK’s is build on Kotlin.

To started with our libraries you need provide a URL to the private maven repository that you can add in build.gradle main:

maven {
    url "s3://maven.autentikar.s3.amazonaws.com"
    credentials(AwsCredentials) {
        accessKey ACCESS_KEY
        secretKey SECRET_KEY
ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY we will provide it to you


The SDK libraries contains com.autentikar:core library as main. This library not contains steps for capture Face, capture Card ID or other, this only communicates with the server.

This libraries can be deployed in Android 7.0 (API 24) or later.


As of version 3.1.0 libraries were created that contain a specific framework to be used in a flow, depending on your need you can integrate them into your application and then register them in the main library.

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